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Graphic-Control-Software-(Standard-Version)- Up-to-200-Network-Nodes (TI-002339)

Graphic-Control-Software-(Standard-Version)- Up-to-200-Network-Nodes (TI-002339)

      • Standard ‘Windows’ based PC application
      • Intelli-Sense-NeT Network Compatible
      • Windows providing Graphics, Text, or EventList
      • User-friendly Configuration
      • Event and Alarm History
      • Zoom Graphic/Symbol Control
      • Supports up to 200 Network Nodes
    • 1 Type Garphic Control Software
      2 Model TI-002339
      3 Processor Intel Pentium i5 or higher (32 bit and 64 bit OS supported)
      4 Recommended Operating Systems Windows 7 or 10 Pro 32/64 bit
      5 Memory Memory 4Gb RAM (Minimum Recommended)
      6 Disk Space 250Gb Hard Drive (Minimum Recommended)
      7 Graphics XGA Graphics Accelerator supporting a minimum 1024 x 768resolution
      8 Sound Card Minimum 17” and support a screen resolution of 1024 x 768
      9 Monitor Minimum 17” and support a screen resolution of 1024 x 768
      10 USB Port Required if using a USB port software dongle – Confirm at time order is placed
      for software
      11 Printer Optional
      12 Serial Port 1 x Serial port for communications with Graphics Interface. (Additional serial
      ports may be necessary if connectivity to other services are required)
      13 CD ROM Drive Required for software installation
      14 Backup Device Recommended
      15 Warranty A PC with on-site warranty support is recommended
      16 Options Touch-Screen Monitor (Minimum Specification suggested):
      - 17” supporting a screen resolution of at least 1024 x 768
      - Any resolution above 1024 x 768 can be supported however, Graphical bitmaps
      must be created in the appropriate format for the resolution selected.
      - If monitors are to be used in a Portrait manner a horizontal screen resolution
      of at least 950 pixels must be available.
      - 1 x Additional Serial / USB port for communications with Touch Screen Controller
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