Fire Solutions for
Wind Turbines
Discover the future of wind turbine safety. Wind turbines are advanced systems that harness natural wind energy, converting it into vital power. However, their significant capital investment demands prolonged functionality for economic viability. Fire emerges as a prime cause of downtime, fuelled by moving turbine parts and lightning strikes. Once ignited, the chances of dousing the blaze are low due to the extreme height & the remote locations they are present in. Therefore, a conventional suppression system might not help when it comes to suppressing the fire risk that these remote machineries carry.

Ceasefire: Where Fire Safety
Meets Reliability.
At Ceasefire we understand the unique requirement of fire proofing wind turbines and provide an innovative solution – a tailored In-panel Suppression System. Equipped with a specialized pneumatic heat-sensitive tube, it autonomously detects and combats fires. Uniquely designed for each turbine, this system operates self-sufficiently, requiring no external power.
Our proven record speaks volumes – your business's well-being is our top priority. When you choose Ceasefire, you're not just choosing a fire safety solution. You're opting for a partner that's dedicated to upholding the utmost reliability, protecting your assets, safeguarding your business's continuity, and providing you with the peace of mind you deserve.

Common Causes Of Fire In Wind Turbines


Failure of SCADA System

Electrical Equipment Failure

Inadequate Lubrication

Mechanical Malfunctions
Generator Malfunction

Arcing in Transformer

Mechanical Breaking System Fault

Electrical Overload & Overheating

Fire Debris from Forest or Bush Fires
Cost of Not Addressing The Risk

Rs. 5 to 5.5 crores per MW
Average Wind Turbine Cost

12-18 months
Average Down

Rs. 8.31 Crores
Cost per Affected Turbine

Rs. 18-20 Crs
Consequential Cost
* Estimated costs as per industry experts and secondary data.
Safeguards in Just 3 Steps


Identifies fire at its origin through specialised Heat Sensing Tube.
The mechanism triggers autonomously, safeguarding even in unattended situations.

Extinguishes fire rapidly ensuring safety for individuals, machinery, and surroundings.

Fusion of Flexibility and Expertise
Detects fires directly
from their origin.
Automatic Quelling
No human intervention required.
Equipment Friendly
Swift Set Up
Attain full defence within hours.
Self Reliant
Pneumatic mechanical activation, operates without any external power.

Residue free clean extinguishing agent.
Recommended Fire Solutions for:
Ceasefire fire solutions for Wind Turbines include a range of Heat Sensing Tube Based Systems in both Direct and In-Direct system options in a wide variety of Clean gas based extinguishing agents ranging from CO2, HFC236fa, HFC227ea and FK to suit every kind of requirement.